The Tranquil Tempest

Small, close knit, and active PvE/RP FC
on Mateus, Crystal
Shirogane, Ward 22, Plot 16 (Large)

About our FC

Are you c u t e? Are you t r a s h?
Do you f i s h with the p o l e between your c h e e k s?
J O I N K O IBoth in game and beyond, The Tranquil Tempest <Koi> is a close-knit FC that loves to chat and do everything we can in FFXIV. Our FC is rank 30 with daily buffs and chocobo stables, and our house is located on a large plot in Shirogane.
We're always looking for kind, like-minded members to join our fambly. ♥

Koi FC House

The Tranquil Tempest FC House
Mateus Shirogane, Ward 22, Plot 16 (Large)

Apply here!J O I N K O I

Interested in meeting us?
Zayl Sirash or Runa Herja